In January 2015 it became illegal to use R22 refrigerant to maintain or repair your air conditioning system. It is still legal to run your system however repair or maintenance will be very difficult if not impossible. If your air conditioning system was manufactured prior to 2004 it will likely contain R22 refrigerant and you should put plans into place to replace the system.

The EC Ozone Regulation (No. 1005/2009) was introduced to phase out HCFCs, including R22 gas, used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. HCFCs are ozone-depleting substances and by 2030 others will be phased out in favour of environmentally friendly technologies. Gases that will be phased out include: R404A, R422A, R422D and R507.

If you have any questions about these regulations or would like AGM to carry out an R22 check free of charge contact us using the form below.


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